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[103美國直購] TASCAM iM2W Channel Portable Digital Recorder 專業型 電容式 立體聲麥克風 白色款 iPhone iPod iPad 專用 $999 詳細介紹:

141008bj_TASCAM iM2W

Adjustable stereo condenser microphones
125dB maximum level for recording loud concerts and instruments without distortion
Built-in analog to digital converter and microphone preamp for low noise recording
Switchable limiter attenuates high-level signals to prevent recording overload
Powered through Apple dock connector

Product Details
Color: white
Product Dimensions: 3 x 1.5 x 4.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 pounds
Item model number: iM2W

Product Description
Color: white
From the Manufacturer
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Great-sounding stereo mic for your iPhone

iM2 detail photo
TASCAM's iM2 turns the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch into a high-quality stereo recorder. A pair of condenser microphones - the same high quality as TASCAM's best-selling DR-series recorders - plugs into the dock connector of your Apple device.

The microphones are adjustable over 180 degrees for the best sound placement. The uni-directional elements are arranged in an AB pattern for detailed stereo imaging while capturing the ambience of your room.

The iM2 contains its own microphone preamp and analog-to-digital converter for low noise and great audio quality. Unlike mics that use the built-in iPhone preamp, the iM2 can handle up to 125dB sound levels to capture the loudest concerts and instruments without distortion.

Full-featured recording

TASCAM iM2 in use
Also contained in the iM2 is a stereo limiter to tame sudden loud sounds. The microphone level is adjustable with a knob on the side, making it quick to adjust without even looking at the unit. It's powered through the dock connector so no battery is required. A USB input is provided to charge your Apple iOS device for long recordings, either through a computer or TASCAMs PS-P515U power adapter.

Available for free download, TASCAMs PCM Recorder app is the perfect companion for the iM2. PCM Recorder turns the iPhone or iPad into a stereo recorder, based on the popular TASCAM DR-series. Record mono or stereo files at CD-quality for up to 12 hours in the application. High and low EQ are built-in, as well as stereo limiting and a low cut filter. After recording, files can be accessed through iTunes or uploaded to SoundCloud right from the iPhone. PCM Recorder raises the bar for recorders on the iPhone and iPad, and its available for no charge.

The ultra-portable iM2 is a must have for musicians who want to capture inspiration on their iPhone or iPad without sacrificing recording quality. It's the perfect recording accessory for musicians of all skill levels available at an unbeatable price.

Full Feature List

Stereo condenser microphones for iPhone 4, iPod Touch or iPad dock connection
High-quality stereo condenser microphones - same as our best-selling DR-series recorders
Microphones adjustable 180 degrees front to back
Built-in analog to digital converter and microphone preamp for low noise recording
125dB SPL maximum level for recording loud shows without distortion
Switchable limiter attenuates high-level signals to prevent recording overload
Adjustable input level control
Powered through iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch dock connector
USB input allows the iPhone or iPad to be charged from a USB connection or optional TASCAM PS-P515U
CD-quality digital recording (44.1kHz/16-bit linear PCM)
Compact size ideal for mobile use
Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 4G, iPad, iPad 2
PCM Recorder application available for free download on the iTunes store
Dimensions: 2.3' W x 2.2' H x 0.75' D
Weight: 1.05 oz
Product Description
TASCAM's iM2 turns the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch into a high-quality stereo recorder. A pair of condenser microphones - the same high quality as TASCAM's best-selling DR-series recorders - plugs into the dock connector of your Apple device.The microphones are adjustable over 180 degrees for the best sound placement. The uni-directional elements are arranged in an AB pattern for detailed stereo imaging while capturing the ambience of your room.The iM2 contains its own microphone preamp and analog-to-digital converter for low noise and great audio quality. Unlike mics that use the built-in iPhone preamp, the iM2 can handle up to 125dB sound levels to capture the loudest concerts and instruments without distortion.



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MLB/大谷翔平開砲 本季第5轟出爐


前6局打完,天使取得6:4領先,7局下大谷翔平上場打擊,面對側投西登伯格(Trevor Hildenberger)投出第一顆90.8哩的伸卡球,直接敲上天使中外野假山造景區;大谷翔平開季曾連3場開轟,中間一度熄火,直到4月28日對洋基再度開砲。

大谷翔平在第2局的首打席遭到三振,不過3局下在二壘有人時,敲出右外野二壘安打,送回普荷斯(Albert Pujols),帶有1分打點,幫助天使取得4:0領先,6局下則敲出高飛球遭接殺。

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